Dr Antoine Naem
Antoine Naem is a medical graduate from the faculty of medicine of Damascus University. He received his medical education and clinical training at the university hospitals of the Syrian Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research. Antoine is passionate about anatomy and gynecology. He joined the working group of the laboratory of anatomy of Damascus University in 2017 and participated in preparing The Atlas of Anatomy, which is the official student material of the respective lab. Antoine used to teach regional anatomy and participate in cadaveric dissection as a volunteering instructor in the laboratory of anatomy. His research journey started in 2019 when he published his first paper. Since then, Antoine has participated in many local and international research projects. His research interests are endometriosis, infertility, the Müllerian anomalies, and ectopic pregnancy management. Antoine is an active peer reviewer in many medical journals and has carried so far more than 130 reviews.