Mr. Hassan Morsi
Consultant Gynaecologist & Endometriosis Surgeon
Russel Hall Hospital - Birmingham UK
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Mr Morsi qualified from Ain Shams University in Cairo in 1992 and completed his MD postgraduate clinical research over 2 years in Erlangen/Germany. He researched the effects of estrogen and anti-estrogens on patterns of apoptosis markers in normal and abnormal endometrial cell cultures during his 2 year research fellowship in Germany.
He completed specialist training in laparoscopic surgery at the James Cook University Hospital Endometriosis Centre in the North of England. He received further focused one-to-one training in the laparoscopic treatment of advanced (deep infiltrating) endometriosis in some of the world’s leading centres for advanced endometriosis, including the Advanced Endometriosis Centre in The Friederich Alexander University Hospital in Erlangen Germany, the MATTU in Guildford, IRCAD in Strasbourg/France, Villach Advanced Endometriosis Centre in Villach/Austria as well as the Avicenna Advanced Endometriosis Surgery Centre in Tehran/Iran. Mr Morsi has been treating patients with endometriosis since he became a Consultant Gynaecologist in 2007. He is a Fellow of the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists. He is also an Associate Professor of Obstetrics & Gynaecology at Ain Shams University in Cairo Egypt.
He successfully set up the Dudley BSGE Accredited Endometriosis Centre at Russells Hall Hospital in 2019. Mr Morsi works closely with the multidisciplinary team to manage women with deep infiltrating endometriosis. This includes laparoscopic excision of deep infiltrating endometriosis of the pelvis including that of the large bowel (shaving, disc excision or segmental bowel resection), small bowel, urinary tract, rectovaginal disease, pelvic side wall as well as endometriomas and adenomyosis. He specialises in fertility preserving laparoscopic surgery particularly myomectomy. He is a strong advocate for the use of advanced minimal access techniques for the treatment of severe endometriosis, pelvic pain, fibroids and benign gynaecological conditions.
Mr Morsi has published in peer reviewed journals as well as lectured nationally and internationally on endometriosis and laparoscopic surgery. He is very keen to teach techniques in gynaecological laparoscopy and has successfully delivered several laparoscopic suturing training courses within the UK and Egypt as well as deanery courses to doctors in training from all over the UK as well as from Europe.
He is currently the Lead for Laparoscopy simulation training for Health Education England in the West Midlands Region and is responsible for delivering basic, intermediate, and advanced laparoscopic courses for trainees.
He has also developed an interest in the field of Neuropelveology pioneered by Professor Marc Possover and has successfully completed Level 1 training in this emerging discipline.