Gynaefellow - Join our Family!
We all learn in different ways!
GynaeFellow was created by doctors for doctors with the aim to provide safe, effective and tailored surgical and medical training platform that is inclusive, adaptive and available at the point of need irrespective of the geographical location utilising a blend of innovative and traditional methods.
We know it is hard to stay motivated when you have so much to do, let alone being pulled in different directions! This is why we made GynaeFellow fun to learn with the bite-sized and skill oriented educational material.
We have it all for you, and the best part – we built it with affordability and sustainability in mind.
To enable GynaeFellow to meet your needs, we invite you all, from students to experts, to share your educational experience whether it is surgical videos, clinical case discussion, summary of a key publication, quiz – challenge, exam questions or something different we didn’t think of! As long as it is of educational value, it will find it’s way in GynaeFellow! Surgical videos & clinical case discussions will be assigned a unique DOI (citable publication).
If you are not sure how to contribute, you can always reach out either by filling the form below or directly –
To maintain high quality educational value; all submitted contributions undergo peer review prior to online publication.
We invite you to contribute and join the GynaeFellow family.
Executive Team
Moiad Alazzam
Consultant GynaeOncology surgeon,
Oxford - UK
Adrian Antoci
Software developer, Oxford, UK

Haider Raza
Mohammad Daas
Obstetrics and Gynaecology Trainee, East of England - UK
Website Master
Hisham Abdel Rahman
Global Medical Director
International Hospital Group
International Business Advisor & GynaeFellow Board Chairman
Dana Ridha
Radiology Resident , Jordan University, Amman-Jordan
Social Media, Illustration & Art
Educational Board Advisors
Mustafa Zelal Muallem
Professor in Gynaecological Oncolog Deputy Director Gynaecological Oncology Dept, Charite University Hospital, Berlin-Germany
Antonio Simone Laganà
Consultant Obstetrics and Gynecology, “Filippo Del Ponte” Hospital, University of Insubria, Varese, Italy

Jason Wright
Assoc. Professor & Chief of Gynaecological Oncology Department, Columbia University-USA
Ahmad Sayasneh
Consultant Gynaecological Oncologis, Guy's & St. Thomas Hospital, London-UK
Abhishek Mangeshikar
Consultant Gynaecology & Head of the Indian Centre for Endometrisos - Mumbai, India

Amro Alhuseiny
Professor in Obstetric s & Gynaecolgy, Head of MIS Division, Ain Shams University , Cairo - Egypt
Website Editors
Aya Al Shati
Obstetrics & Gynaecology Trainee - UK
Oudai Ali
Consultant Obstetrician & Gynaecologist, London-UK
Nouf Khalifeh
Resident in Obstetrics & Gynaecology - Germany
Sarah Louise Smyth
Specialist Registrar Obstetrics &Gynaecology, Oxford-UK
Christina Pappa
Consultant Gynaecologist, Oxford University Hospitals, Oxford-UK
GynaeFellow Authors & Contributors
Ali Kubba
Professor in Obstetrics & Gynaecology, Basra University & Consultant Gynaecologist London - UK

Ertan Saridogan
Professor of Gynaecological Surgery, University College London, UK
David Atallah
Professor of obstetrics & gynecology Saint Joseph University, Beirut
Sylvia Mechsner
Professor & Head of Endometriosis Centre Charité Department of Gynaecology Charité Campus Berlin-Germany
Mohamad Mabrouk
Professor & Head of Endometriosis Centre at Cambridge University Hospitals Cambridge-UK
Faiza Gaba
Obstetrics & Gynaecology Specialist Registrar and Honorary Clinical Lecturer Aberdeen - UK.
Jan Beaklandt
Professor Gynaecological Oncology Surgeon at Imelda hospital
Bonheiden - Belgium
Thomas Ind
Consultant Gynaecological Surgeon at Royal Marsden Hospital
London - UK
Polina Medvedeva
Consultant Gynaecological Surgeon & MIGS Specialist
New York-USA
Toby Campbell
Prof. Thoracic Medical Oncologist, University of Wisconsin- USA
Jorg Keckstein
Certified Endometriosis Centre - Dres. Keckstein Villach, Austria
Jalid Sehouli
Professor Gynaecological Oncology Surgeon Charité Hospital- Berlin
Antonio Simone Laganà
Consultant Obstetrics and Gynecology, “Filippo Del Ponte” Hospital, University of Insubria, Varese, Italy
Abhishek Mangeshikar
Consultant Gynaecology & Head of the Indian Centre for Endometrisos - Mumbai, India
Dan C. Martin
the Scientific and Medical Director of the Endometriosis Foundation of America, New York, USA
Paul Sugarbaker
Professor & Program Director, Peritoneal Surface Oncology MedStar Washington Hospital Center, USA
Santiago Domingo del Pozo
Professor and Chief of Gynaecological Oncology Department, Valencia University, Spain
Ahmad Sayasneh
Consultant Gynaecological Oncologis, Guy's & St. Thomas Hospital, London-UK
Shaheen Khazali
Consultant Gynaecologist & Endopelvic surgeon Centre for Endometriosis and Minimally Invasive Gynaecology (CEMIG), Surrey, UK
Michael Wynn Williams
Consultant Gynaecologist Surgeon & Fertility Specialist
Auckland, New Zealand
Mustafa Zelal Muallem
Professor in Gynaecological Oncolog Deputy Director Gynaecological Oncology Dept, Charite University Hospital, Berlin-Germany
Carla Cressy
Founder The Endometriosis Foundation UK
Leandri Van Romburgh
Gynaecology Clinical Nurse Specialist
The Lister Hospital - London
Christian Becker
Associate Professor, University of Oxford (UK)
Tony Chalhoub
Consultant Gynaecological Surgeon, Newcastle University Hospital - UK
Sara Nasser
GynaeOncology Fellow, Charite Cancer Centre
Berlin - Germany
Emad Mikhail
Associate Professor Director Division of Gynecology University of South Florida - USA
Osama Shawki
Professor of Obstetrics & Gynaecology, Director of H.A.R.T Centre, Cairo -Egypt
Suzie Peatman
Consultant Obstetrician & Gynaecologist, Middlesbrough - UK
Ameneh Haghgoo
Director of Minimal Invasive Gynaecology Surgery Nikan Hospital, Tehran - Iran
Bushra Maaqbeh
Medical Doctor, Jordan University
Joud Al-Majali
Medical Doctor, Jordan University
Shay Freger
Clinical Researcher, McMaster University, Canada
Abdal Al - Ani
Medical Doctor, Jordan University
Antoine Naem
Medical Doctor, Damascus University
Damascus - Syriaa
Tuga IH
Medical Doctor, Jordan University
Abdallah S. Sulaiman
Medical Doctor, Jordan University
Suzi Addley
SST Gynae-Oncology
Derby University Hospital
Anas Mourad
Medical Doctor, Jordan University